Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Exhibition to mark Zanabazar’s 380th birthday

An exhibition dedicated to the 380th birthday of Undur Gegeen Zanabazar is set to be unveiled soon.
Through the Friendly Ulaanbaatar Program of the Ulaanbaatar Mayor, the exhibition will feature artifacts and art works of Zanabazar from his personal workshop.
During the excavation and research of the Saridag monastery, approximately 1,300 artifacts connected to Zanabazar were found. Only 100 of these findings will be presented at the Zanabazar Museum of Fine Arts from April 27 to May 28.
The construction of Saridag monastery in Erdenet soum of Tuv Province started in 1654, by the request of
Zanabazar, and finished in 1680. Historians say that the monastery is related to the Khalkh Buddhist Center.
To develop Buddhism in Mongolia, Zanabazar established many monasteries in the country. Zanabazar was born in 1635, as the second son of Tusheet Khaan Gomdoborj, in Zuil soum of Uvurkhangai Province.
In 1639, at the age of five, Zanabazar was raised as the head of the Buddhist religion by Khalkh nobles, such as Tusheet Khaan Gombodorj, Setsei Khaan Sholoi, and 108 boys were appointed as his disciples. Zanabazar is from the same clan as Chinggis Khan, Altan Urag. He was an influential person of the state and religion in the 17th century.
Besides being an educated lama, he was an artist, painter, poet and a craftsman. His sculptures, such as, “21 White Tara” and “White, Green Tara” are popular as “Zanabazar design” not only in Mongolia but throughout the world.


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